Do you believe in the value of the unknown?

Obscuriosities is a journey through the farthest reaches of video game history with Japanese translator Samuel “Obskyr” Messner.


Mon Dieu, It's Jumping Flash 3!

Jumping Flash made a splash in 1995, when it was the first 3D platformer to hit consoles. But did you know there’s a third game in the series, only in Japan? Today’s all about the Jumping Flash series, and more specifically, the personality-packed Robbit Mon Dieu for PlayStation 1.

The Post-Pokémon Gold Rush

On this inaugural episode of Obscuriosities, we talk about mon games – games inspired to ride the coattails of Pokémon’s creature-collecting craze. But of course, unlike a Digimon or a Monster Rancher… these games didn’t make it big.